SDDA Salable Materials

Dental Laboratory Prescription Forms

Work orders for dental technicians are required by South Dakota law, however South Dakota dentists are NOT required to use the work order forms available from the SDDA.

A record of each work order must be retained by the technician, or dental laboratory to whom it was issued, for two years.

A dentist or a dental laboratory must allow inspection of the form by the State Board of Dentistry or its agents at any time.

Due to postage costs, a minimum of 6 laboratory prescription pads, or increments of 6 is preferred. There is a separate ordering section, if you need less than 6.

A pad containing 50 sheets of laboratory prescription forms are available for $12.00/members or $18.00/non-members, plus sales tax. Order through the SDDA, 804 N Euclid; Ste 103, Pierre, SD 57501, call 605-224-9133 or click on the link below.

To print out a free copy of the laboratory prescription form for your use Lab Pad Form.

To Order Laboratory Pads

(To receive the "Member Rate" you must use a Member Dentists log in information)